28th Semaine Musicale

The programme

Monday 5th August | 7:00 pm

Welcome of the Tübingen orchestra and opening of the Music Week under the Auvillar Hall.

Tuesday 6th August | 9:00 pm

Impromptu musical in the courtyard of the Auvillar tourist office.

Wednesday 7th August | 8:00pm

QR Code to scan to book your meal

Piquenique Musical under the Auvillar Hall, organized by the association. 14€ for adults and 7€ for children.

A buffet with Franco-German specialties is prepared by the members and villagers.

Musical accompaniment by the musicians from Tübingen.

Click here to book your meal. 

You can also buy your ticket on site.

Thursday 8th August | 9:00 PM

Joint impromptu performance with the ensemble Le Terzettino, under the Auvillar Hall

Friday 9th August | 8:00 PM

Concert at St. Peter’s Church in Auvillar.

Concert Program:
Mass by Johann Nepumuk Hummel
A variety of choral and chamber pieces 

Saturday 10th August | 8pm

Poetry in music with the Auvillaraise association “Passeuses, passeurs de mots“.

Closing impromptu in front of St. Peter’s Church in Auvillar.

Members of the Tübingen Vocal Ensemble with their Instrumentalists

Société Culturelle Franco-Allemande | 14-15 place de la Halle | F – 82340 Auvillar

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